About US

First Taxi in Cirencester has been found in 2021 by 2 taxi drivers who had been taxiing in Cirencester for over 10 years. Besides our extended knowledge about Cirencester and the surrounding area we have been involved in customer service for almost 30 years, so we have a great experience on how to provide the best taxi service, airport transfer or business trip, ultimately providing a five star service.

First Taxi in Cirencester


We are proud to provide the most comfortable and reliable taxis with regular services and extended MOT checks twice a year, so you don’t have to worry about your taxi transfer to the airport or business trip.

We have a have high standards when it comes to choosing our cars:
Lots of legroom
Full leather interior
Dual Climatronic
Extremely Comfortable
Large boot


    Date & Time

    Pick-up point and destination point

    Numbers of passengers

    Contact details

    We highly advise that you pre-book your journey with us giving 24 hours notice.

    For same day appointments please give us call on 01285 407407.

    Contact us

    More ways to reach us:
    Email: Info@FirstTaxi.co.uk
    Phone: 01285 407407

    Order now